Let me show you an example to test the various concepts of personal branding. A survey was conducted with these following 5 questions. I will be choosing Tony Fernandez as he is a hot topic now as he is hosting the reality show Apprentice Asia that is showing in AXN.
- What is the first word that comes to your mind when you think of ” airline”?
- Who is the first person that comes to your mind when you think of ” airline”?
- Which word(s) comes to your mind when you think of Tony Fernandez?
- Which one would you prefer more, Tony Fernandez or Ahmad Jauhari (CEO of Malaysia Airlines)?
- Which one would you prefer more, Tony Fernandez or Richard Branson( CEO of Virgin Airways) ?
Can you guess what is the result? Why don’t you take the survey too? We will be announcing the result in our upcoming posting 🙂