The more we avoid taking action due to fear, the more we place limitations on what we can achieve. The only way to overcome fear is to face your fear head-on!
YOU are born to shine🌟
Consistent effort, no matter how slow it is, can bear positive results. Perseverance and dedication to a task will surely bring success, even if it takes time.
YOU are born to shine🌟
Without the courage to make attempts, we can never discover our true potential.
Believe in yourself and take the plunge, if the opportunity fits your capabilities.
YOU are born to shine🌟
We all have our unique talents, and in that unique field of talent, our potential is limited by our own imagination.
In other words, once you discover your talents, your potential is limitless.
YOU are born to shine🌟
Two salesmen were sent by a shoe manufacturer to Africa to investigate market potential. The first salesman said there was no potential there since no one wore shoes. The second salesman however, said that there is massive potential since nobody wears shoes.
This shows how a single situation may be viewed in two quite different ways – positivity reveals opportunity; negativity reveals disadvantages.
YOU are born to shine🌟